API Endpoints
Get Campaign Status
After submitting a campaign to be corrected and analyzed it can take up to a minute to finalize the results. You can check the status of your campaign with the check_campaign_status API. When you see a ‘completed’ status, you can call the get_campaign API to retrieve the results.
X-CC-API-Key: Your API Key
Request Body:
- id: The Campaign ID that you want to get the status for.
- id: The campaign id that will be used in other API calls.
- campaign_name: The name of the campaign.
- status: The status will be either processing, completed, or paused
- date_added: The date and time your campaign was saved or submitted to Campaign Cleaner.
If the status is completed, you will be able to retrieve the campaign via the get_campaign API
In the event of an error, you will get an “error:” response, with a description of the reason
application/json · object
The body is of type object
200 - application/json
The response is of type object