What is Broken Links Recursion Testing?

Broken links recursion testing is a critical process in ensuring that your email marketing campaigns are effective and reach your target audience without any issues. It involves identifying and fixing any broken links that might exist in your email content to ensure that your subscribers are not disappointed by encountering error pages or landing on pages that are irrelevant to the content they clicked on.

The process of broken links recursion testing involves scanning all the links in your email campaign, including those in images, videos, and hyperlinks, to ensure that they are working correctly. This includes testing links that redirect to other pages to ensure that they land on the correct pages and do not cause any issues with your subscribers. The testing is done recursively, meaning that each link is followed to the end of the chain to ensure that there are no broken links along the way.

The broken links recursion testing process is important because it ensures that your email campaigns are effective in achieving their goals. It helps to increase engagement rates with your subscribers by providing them with valuable and relevant content that they can easily access. Additionally, it helps to maintain your brand reputation and credibility by ensuring that your subscribers do not encounter any issues or frustrations when interacting with your content.

All broken links will show a HTTP Status Code


In addition, to checking for broken links, we also check for missing title tags and un-secured links.

In the example below: I clicked on the number 47 next to the “All Links”, you can see the 1 broken links in red.


Anchor links are not broadly supported in emails and will be categorized as broken links.

Video Overview of Broken Link Detection

Use Case for Check For Broken Links in Email

XYZ Corporation is a marketing firm that sends out weekly email newsletters to its clients. XYZ Corporation wants to ensure that their email campaigns are professional, polished, and error-free. To achieve this, they use Campaign Cleaner, which provides a comprehensive analysis of their email campaigns.

One of the main features that XYZ Corporation uses is the Broken Links Recursion Testing. This feature ensures that all links in the email campaign are working correctly and are not broken. With this feature, XYZ Corporation can quickly identify any broken links and resolve them before sending out the email campaign.

By using Campaign Cleaner to check for broken links, XYZ Corporation ensures that their email campaigns are error-free and professional. This, in turn, helps to maintain their clients’ trust and increases the chances of their emails being opened and read.